
A migratory turn?
Population, economic and labour shortfalls in Italy

Polycentric voices
Call for a European urban/rural balance

150 years of Italian emigration
Internazionale special issue 2020

Correcting the metropolitan bias
Il Mulino 6/2020

Omnipresent heritage
Il Mulino 4/2020

Deserted amusement parks
How COVID-19 burst Italy’s tourism bubble

Where Italy fails
il Mulino 2/2020

The degradation of politics
Italy’s problem with hate speech

From national threat to oblivion
Erasing migrants from public discourse in Italy during COVID-19

The limits of protection, prevention and care
A miniseries on refugees in the COVID-19 pandemic

Why here?
A first-hand account of the COVID-19 losses from Bergamo, Italy

Standing up to the new machos
Index on Censorship 4/2019

Italian media and politics
il Mulino 4/2019