
France’s poorest
Revue Projet 6–7/2020

Clapping or caring
Applause as a form of social distancing

Owning up to anguish
Syn og Segn 1/2020

Contagion and containment
Curtailing the freedom of movement in times of coronavirus

Politics of abandonment
Refugees on Greek islands during the coronavirus crisis

From national threat to oblivion
Erasing migrants from public discourse in Italy during COVID-19

The limits of protection, prevention and care
A miniseries on refugees in the COVID-19 pandemic

Disease control
Mapping violations of free speech under the cloak of the coronavirus crisis

We created this beast
The political ecology of COVID-19

Why here?
A first-hand account of the COVID-19 losses from Bergamo, Italy

Gone viral
COVID-19 in the disinformation ecosystem

A computer is all you need
How Big Tech – especially Digital Health – is eroding the social contract

Once more with feeling
Medical thinking in the history of musical aesthetics