The weight of soap bubbles
Russian cultural propaganda in the Baltics

Visualités, virtualités et trauma
Temporalités de la guerre à distance

"Chernobyl should have been preserved as a cultural object"
A conversation with Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi

Self-reflection through the visual
Notes on some Maidan documentaries

The white shadows
Drones, warfare and contemporary culture

Archimedean points
When things speak by themselves, who listens?

The gendered dimensions of "Zvezdi/Sterne" (1959)
On the Bulgarian-East German co-production of Konrad Wolf's Holocaust film

His master's voice
The human/animal divide in Pixar's "Up"

Ein Vietnam jenseits der Bilder
Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard und der Kampf um den hors-champs
Speed and gravity
Sandra Bullock and a resurrection of the institution

The Holocaust as fiction
From Andrzej Wajda's "Korczak" to Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds"

Poland's controversial Oscar
Is "Ida" really anti-Polish and anti-Semitic?