
After "emancipation after emancipation"
On Europe's anti-gender movements

Fantasies of feminist history in eastern Europe
A response to Slavenka Drakulic

"The love of women, kind as well as cruel"
Feminist alliances and contested spaces in Audre Lorde's "Zami: A new spelling of my name"

An astonishing time of great boldness
On the politics of recognition and redistribution

Preventing violence against women
International solidarities

Call of duty, or call for change?
On masculine violence

Liberalism needs love
A conversation with Martha Nussbaum

Damn security!
A conversation with Alain Finkielkraut

Opening up a space for gender
Dialogi, Slovenia
Redefining politics
Soundings, UK
Addressing gender in a precarious sector
Esprit, France