Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: 100 years of republicanism

100 years of republicanism

Varlık 10/2023

Critical assessments of a century of Turkish republicanism: why a utopian revival would do the country good; what official history does not say about feminism; how the republic lost supporters left and right; and why the media have rarely been independent, as Atatürk intended.

Cover for: Copy-cat machos

Copy-cat machos

Mittelweg 36 3–4/2023

On the rise of strongmen politicians (and a few strong women): why they are variations on a global theme. Also: Putin’s prospects after possible defeat; Xi’s reasons for keeping out; and Le Pen’s calculations on how to win.

Cover for: Incredibly independent

Incredibly independent

Positionen 3/2023

How can cultural journalism remain independent in an increasingly bleak economic environment? On the Nordic model of public funding for journals and what stops it from being exported; and why art and music criticism in Germany is being compromised by journals’ exclusive reliance on advertising.

Cover for: No escape

No escape

Glänta 1/2023

On aesthetics, power and conflict: how war makes art seem useless while kindling one’s longing to escape; on a natural disaster made worse by despotism; reflections on the hidden state; mercenaries.

Cover for: Sensitivity or censorship?

Perspectives on cancel culture: much ado about nothing or the coddling of the Czech mind? Also: Children’s literature without children – why the ‘child reader’ does not exist.

Cover for: Varlık at 90

Varlık at 90

Varlık 7/2023

A Turkish literary institution turns 90: reflections on Varlık’s evolution and achievements, as well as notable omissions. Also: On the country’s loss of intellectual moorings under Erdoğan and why culture depends on ‘the suspension of power’.

Cover for: Flooded earth

Flooded earth

Osteuropa 1–2/2023

What the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam means for water supplies, agriculture and industry in south-east Ukraine. Also: Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh; and a profile of imprisoned Russian oppositionist Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Cover for: New Roma writing

New Roma writing

A2 11/2023

New writing by Czech Roma authors: different takes on the story-telling tradition; memories of growing up as a Roma after ’89; mainstreaming Roma writing and the decline of the Romani language.

Cover for: Rethinking public health

Rethinking public health

Esprit 498 (2023)

How to stop disillusioned health professionals leaving the sector; and why health budgets must shift from treatment to prevention. Also: a black book of Assad; and America’s comeback as global good guy.

Cover for: The state of the Church

The state of the Church

New Humanist 2/2023

Turing off the tap for the Church of England: why state support for English Anglicanism belongs to the past. Also: Kenan Malik on the flaws of critical race theory.

Cover for: Collapsing (dis)orders

Collapsing (dis)orders

Wespennest 184 (2023)

On the Zeitenwende and other departures from familiar (dis)orders: post-pandemic neoliberalism, authoritarian reaction and solidarist solutions; in defence of etiquette; death cults in southern Italy; calendrical chaos; gender and ageing.

Cover for: Russia’s futures

Russia’s futures

Glänta 3–4/2022

Glänta translates selected articles from 2010–2022: including false predictions on the eve of Putin’s third term; despair after annexation; observations on the cult of victory; and attempts to think Russia’s future now.

Cover for: The challenge of inequality

The challenge of inequality

il Mulino 1/2023

On inequality and the Left: why coalition politics favours social democratic solutions; how a left revival hinges on inclusive growth; and whether the root problem may not be inequality but the weak state.

Cover for: Myths of landscape

Myths of landscape

O’r Pedwar Gwynt 1/2023

The rewilding controversy: challenging the restorative myth without ignoring agriculture’s environmental record. Also: history and sex education in the new Welsh school syllabus.

Cover for: Cold War past and present

Cold War past and present

NAQD 41–42 (2023)

Beyond spheres of influence: Cold War histories across four continents, including the bloc confrontation’s origins in Iran and the persistence of anti-communism in Brazil. Also: future scenarios for the Sino-American conflict.

Cover for: Ukrainian realities

Ukrainian realities

Krytyka 1–2/2023

An invasion in the making: why Russia’s intentions were apparent back in 1991. Also: the Kremlin’s military and political miscalculations – why bigger is not better; and resistance in Kherson – how the city survived despite everything.

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