Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: Houellebecq’s anti-utopianism

Norwegian quarterly ‘Vagant’ focuses on Michel Houellebecq: the former agronomist on a mission against righteousness. Also: the meaning of Houellebecq’s nicotine addiction and a Houellebecq lexicon from ‘air conditioning’ to ‘zapper generation’.

Cover for: Contrasting histories of imperial Britain

In Norwegian monthly ‘Ny Tid’ – the forum for essayistic reviews of international titles: contrasting histories of the age of British imperialism and green philosophy from Heidegger to Guattari.

Cover for: A long, fond look at Norwegian agriculture

Norwegian quarterly ‘Syn og Segn’ warns against the rise of agribusinesses: how to realize Norway’s potential for self-subsistence? Also, Iceland’s president Guðni Jóhannesson on the republic’s constitutional system.

Cover for: Italian media and politics

Italian media and politics

il Mulino 4/2019

In a dossier on media and public opinion, ‘Il Mulino’ debates hate speech and the new populism; reading habits and the crisis of critical thought; and traditional media’s susceptibility to disinfo. Also: an interview with Turkish-Kurdish writer Burhan Sönmez.

Cover for: Black Sea in focus

Black Sea in focus

New Eastern Europe 5/2019

New Eastern Europe (Poland) focuses on growing interdependencies in the Black Sea region and the role of international actors in its development. Also: the long and complicated history of Ukrainian-German relations; and Kremlin cooption of Russia’s independent music scene.

Cover for: Gender effacement in the cultural sector

Gender effacement in the cultural sector

Culture & Démocratie (Belgium) 6/2019

New Eurozine partner journal ‘Culture & Démocratie’ (Belgium) calls out gender discrepancies in the cultural industries. Including Nadine Plateau on ‘subverting the symbolic’, Alexandra Adriaenssens on statistical effacement, and Bwanga Pilipili and Petra Van Brabant on educating for equality.

Cover for: Delusions of digital capitalism

Delusions of digital capitalism

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 10/2019

In Blätter, Birgit Mahnkopf refutes claims about automation’s brave new world: worsening job quality expected in exporting nations, massive unemployment set to disrupt the Global South. Also: controversy over the definition of the museum; and British parliamentarism beyond the ‘extreme centre’.

Cover for: Canon controversy

Canon controversy

Merkur 9/2019

Tired debates over the artistic canon replace critique of sexism, racism and classism in education, argues Hanna Engelmeier in Merkur (Germany). Also: re-reading the GDR’s literature of disappointment, and national populism thought outside the liberal box.

Cover for: Localizing planetary ecological crisis

An Estonian perspective on planetary ecological crisis: environmental contamination, return of diseases, urban heat islands, diversity decline – but also solutions for the future: greening Soviet-era architecture, transformation of regional economies, tax reforms and more.

Cover for: What is language?

What is language?

O’r Pedwar Gwynt 2/2019

New issue of ‘O’r Pedwar Gwynt’ (Wales), featuring Thatcher, the welfare state and Welsh pop, the wisdom of language, existentialism and mindfulness, and ‘pneumatic writing’ from the GDR.

Cover for: Coordinates of a new national historiography

‘Arche’ (Belarus) gives the coordinates of a new national historiography, discusses the publishing sector in the short-lived Belarusian People’s Republic, and uncovers the roots of the aristocratic Chodkiewicz family, sixteenth-century magnates of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.

Cover for: The redundancies of mainstream economics

The redundancies of mainstream economics

Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 119 (2019)

In the new issue of ‘Revista Crítica’ (Portugal): a dossier on the economy as a ‘substantive reality’, beyond the limitations of mainstream economics, looking at interdisciplinary methods and ‘economics imperialism’, the political meaning of work, and the paradoxes of ‘innovation’.

Cover for: Political disenchantment in Belgium

Political disenchantment in Belgium

La Revue Nouvelle 6 (2019)

‘La Revue Nouvelle’ analyses political disenchantment in Belgium: Social Democracy urgently needs to rethink as voter apathy aids rise of far-right Vlaams Belang; and as new ideological rifts pit productivity vs. ecology and nation vs. immigration.

Cover for: Against denialism

Against denialism

New Humanist 3/2019

In New Humanist, Peter Geoghegan warns against denialism over Northern Ireland: if not a direct result of Brexit, then the new sectarianism has certainly been precipitated by it. Also: articles on religion in the UK, social tech and the far-right, and the elisions of official feminism.

Cover for: Recalling the revolutionary past

Recalling the revolutionary past

Fronesis 62/63 (2019)

The new issue of ‘Fronesis’ searches for what Hannah Arendt called the ‘lost treasure’ of a tradition of revolutionary thinking. Hunting through diverse places, from Russia in 1917 to Indonesia, the American South, and the new movements of the 1960s, we are asked to think about how revolutions have been crushed, forgotten, or their aims perverted.

Cover for: Internet activism and offline engagement

‘Revue Projet’ focuses on the internet’s reinvention of political activism: the web unleashes new energies and allows for new mobilizations, but real change can only be effected with the input of established organizations and offline engagement. Also: civic tech and the débat national; universal access campaigns; and digital democracy in Africa.

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