Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: Political disenchantment in Belgium

Political disenchantment in Belgium

La Revue Nouvelle 6 (2019)

‘La Revue Nouvelle’ analyses political disenchantment in Belgium: Social Democracy urgently needs to rethink as voter apathy aids rise of far-right Vlaams Belang; and as new ideological rifts pit productivity vs. ecology and nation vs. immigration.

Cover for: Against denialism

Against denialism

New Humanist 3/2019

In New Humanist, Peter Geoghegan warns against denialism over Northern Ireland: if not a direct result of Brexit, then the new sectarianism has certainly been precipitated by it. Also: articles on religion in the UK, social tech and the far-right, and the elisions of official feminism.

Cover for: Recalling the revolutionary past

Recalling the revolutionary past

Fronesis 62/63 (2019)

The new issue of ‘Fronesis’ searches for what Hannah Arendt called the ‘lost treasure’ of a tradition of revolutionary thinking. Hunting through diverse places, from Russia in 1917 to Indonesia, the American South, and the new movements of the 1960s, we are asked to think about how revolutions have been crushed, forgotten, or their aims perverted.

Cover for: Internet activism and offline engagement

‘Revue Projet’ focuses on the internet’s reinvention of political activism: the web unleashes new energies and allows for new mobilizations, but real change can only be effected with the input of established organizations and offline engagement. Also: civic tech and the débat national; universal access campaigns; and digital democracy in Africa.

Cover for: Social seismographs

Social seismographs

Osteuropa 5/2019

Artists and writers have served as an ‘early warning system’ for political upheavals and social tensions in many eastern European countries. Contributions to the new issue of ‘Osteuropa’ focus on Russia as the origin of a contemporary intersection of countercultural aesthetics and conservative ideology.

Cover for: New narratives of class and nation

In ‘Soundings’, David Featherstone and Lazaros Karaliotas ask how we can expand our image of the working class beyond a ‘narrowly nationed narrative of the crisis’. Also, Mary Kaldor probes the ‘tragic mistake’ to find new hopes for a ‘remain-and-reform’ position, and Gabriel Bristow clarifies the misunderstood gilets jaunes movement.

Cover for: Belarusian chronicler of the irrational

In the 100th edition of Belarusian literary journal ‘Dziejaslou’, Svetlana Alexievich explains why the irrational continues to be the underlying subject of her celebrated chronicles of the Soviet and post-Soviet everyday. Also, a history of socialism in Belarus, revealing autonomy from the early days of the Socialist International.

Cover for: 'Writing plays like a madman'

'Writing plays like a madman'

Syn og Segn 2/2019

The Nobel Prize-tipped Jon Fosse began his literary career as a poet and novelist, but from the 1990s became famous abroad as a prolific dramatist. In Syn og Segn, Fosse talks with his editor and literary biographer Cecilie Seiness about growing older and returning to novel writing.

Cover for: Africa in focus

Africa in focus

Vikerkaar 7–8/2019

Estonian journal Vikerkaar devotes its summer issue to Africa, including contributions on the social and environmental costs of Chinese development, bushman culture, the hauntings of colonialism, new African writing and more.

Cover for: On the sociology of money

On the sociology of money

Mittelweg 36 3–4/2019

Twentieth-century social sciences tended to leave monetary questions to economists, but in recent years there has been an explosion in the sociological research of money. ‘Mittelweg 36’ offers perspectives.

Cover for: Deconstructing town and country

Urbanist magazine ‘dérive’ finds an old dichotomy re-filtered through politico-spatial transformations; including articles on the role of ‘ruralism’ in support for the AfD in Germany and throwbacks to imperial anti-proletarianism in the discourse of Austria’s neo-conservatives.

Cover for: Far-right watershed in Germany

Far-right watershed in Germany

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 8/2019

Expectations of an AfD surge in Saxony and Brandenburg prompt speculations in Blätter on a watershed moment for the party, as it veers further rightwards. Also, why blaming the history of the GDR for east Germany’s far-right problem is crudely ideological; and the failure of politics and media to see the Lübcke murder coming.

Cover for: Fictionalized history

Fictionalized history

Passage 81 (2019)

In Danish journal ‘Passage’, David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt examines how theatre shapes public attitudes to historical events, with a special look at Shakespeare’s histories. Also, contributions on the ‘fictive documentaries’ of Danish modernist Peter Seeberg and the potrayal of female victims in true crime.

Cover for: Approaches to African liberation

How can we avoid the prevailing stereotypes of ‘Africa’? How can we overcome the obsessive association of the continent with certain geopolitical markers? How do we stop seeing it as an endless reservoir of raw materials and a market for cheap goods? The new issue of Springerin develops alternative approaches to the discourse of ‘liberation’.

Cover for: Socio-environmental issues in Poland

Socio-environmental issues in Poland

Kyrtyka Politiczna, 2019 July

In Krytyka Polityczna online, Kamil Fejfer writes on the precarious working conditions of Ukrainian migrant workers and the unscrupulous practices of many Polish employers; Sławomir Broniarz talks about the recent teachers’ strikes and why they lacked popular support; and Piotr Wójcik criticizes ineffective infrastructure projects aimed at countering Poland’s drought problem.

Cover for: Italy out of step

Italy out of step

Il Mulino 3/19

In il Mulino, Stefano Feltri compares Merkel and Sarkozy’s lack of confidence in Berlusconi’s reforms in 2011 with the spectacle of Salvini rubbing shoulders with Le Pen, Wilders, et al. Both were ‘unequivocally images of Italy’s isolation in Europe. In the past this was hard to bear and always denied, but now it is proclaimed with pride.’

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