Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: Cause or consequence?

Cause or consequence?

il Mulino 6/2019

Il Mulino sees populism not as cause but consequence of the decline of representative democracy. Also, on reversing the neoliberal split between capitalism and democracy, and what the Pope means when he speaks of the people.

Cover for: Thinking rationally about climate crisis

New Humanist explores ‘more rational ways of thinking and talking about environmental disaster’, with articles on climate change and culture wars and the case for a Green New Deal. Also, the info-graphics of W. E. B. Du Bois, Christian pop and more.

Cover for: A very English populism

A very English populism

Soundings 73/2020

In Soundings: why the Johnson government marks the beginning of a peculiarly English form of populism. Also, the first in a new series on ‘other Europe’; the chances of the radical left in the EU; what social critique can learn from neurobiology; on the political possibilities of song; ‘queer comrades’ and much more.

Cover for: Documenting nationalist antisemitism

The history journal remembers bitter fights over Belarusian territories after WWI and recalls the ambiguous legacy of a nationalist icon. Also, German propaganda and psychological warfare in Belarus between 1941 and 1944.

Cover for: The pitfalls of rapprochement

The pitfalls of rapprochement

New Eastern Europe 1–2/2020

Political polarization, populism, conflicting narratives, economic and generational changes: New Eastern Europe assesses the challenges of the new decade from the perspective of the West’s relations with Russia.

Cover for: Enter the world of camps

Enter the world of camps

Culture & Démocratie Special issue 2019

Belgian journal Culture & Démocratie devotes a special issue to the theme of the camp and its broad range of meanings, including refugee camps, detention centres and concentration camps.

Cover for: The limits of universalism

The limits of universalism

Esprit 1–2/2020

Esprit asks how the idea of universalism fares in a globalized society attuned to difference, diversity and inequality.

Cover for: The poet endures

The poet endures

Host 1/2020

Peter Handke’s new novella ‘The Second Sword’ has just been published and his play ‘Zdeněk Adamec’ will open the Salzburger Festspiele in July. The Czech literary monthly reviews last year’s controversy and lets posterity be the judge of Handke’s work.

Cover for: Discussing disability

Discussing disability

Czas Kultury 4/2019

War veterans, discredited identities, pride and denial: Czas Kultury explores how the arts can help reframe the public perception of physical difference.

Cover for: Searching for superheroes

Searching for superheroes

Dialogi 10/2019

Dialogi analyses superhero narratives East and West: from Slovene romanticism to post-communist spoof and the neo-con blockbuster.

Cover for: Prison writing

Prison writing

Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 120 (2019)

Revista Critíca looks at imprisonment from the position of the incarcerated. How do inmates in different countries and prison systems ‘articulate themselves, in the widest sense of the word – expressively, corporeally, physically and relationally – in conditions of social death?’

Cover for: Prison isn’t working

Prison isn’t working

Samtiden 4/2019

The cover of the Samtiden shows a heavy steel door and the words ‘Does prison work?’ The contributors – jurists, philosophers and social scientists – generally answer that question in the negative. Asked to define which single change to the current system they would prioritize, most favour gentler punishments with emphasis on rehabilitation in a humane setting. Not for sex crimes though.

Cover for: Protest songs and the music of the deaf

‘What kind of music would Beethoven have composed had his hearing stayed normal throughout his life? It is an impossible but thought-provoking question. The only certainty is that it would have been another, a different kind.’ Syn og Segn focuses on musical expression and its capacity for articulating emotion.

Cover for: Silly or sinister: the new Swedish Kulturpolitik

Sweden’s Ministry of Culture recently decided to decentralize arts policy in order to ‘democratize support for the arts’. What on the face of it may seem a positive move has produced mixed results – not least because the far-right Sweden Democrats have gained control of several local and regional authorities. ‘Ord&Bild’ features ‘Culture workers against Fascism’.

Cover for: Standing up to the new machos

Standing up to the new machos

Index on Censorship 4/2019

Index on Censorship looks at machismo as a political category. Resisting the suffocation of dissent in the era of the internet means standing up ‘for the principles of freedom and democracy all the time, not just when they affect you’, comments editor-in-chief Rachael Jolley.

Cover for: Is the world getting better or worse?

Is the world getting better or worse?

Kritika & Kontext 57 (2020)

Slovak journal Kritika & Kontext reflects on present-day discontents and the anti-war poetry of Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav.

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