Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: Anatomy of the bourgeoisie

Anatomy of the bourgeoisie

Wespennest 178 (2020)

The Austrian journal on the transformation of the bourgeoisie: discourse, normativity and social-economic change; the privatization of the patriarchy; Romanian communism and the ‘class enemy’; and why it is always others that are middle class.

Cover for: A light on Estonian Russians

A light on Estonian Russians

Vikerkaar 5/2020

Vikerkaar sheds a light on Russian speakers living in Estonia, focusing on various aspects of their culture.

Cover for: Convulsions in the USA

Convulsions in the USA

Public Seminar May–June 2020

Our US associate Public Seminar looks into the most significant social unrest since the civil rights movement. On white ‘moral credentialing’; the making of Black Lives Matter; and the endorsement debate dividing the Democrats.

Cover for: Language and loneliness

Language and loneliness

O’r Pedwar Gwynt 1/2020

Ekphrasis on the edge of catastrophe: why literary descriptions of works of art allow the world to reappear; people of the sea, people of the land: on the cosmopolitanism of sailors; and what AI means for the Welsh language.

Cover for: A voice to teachers

A voice to teachers

Czas Kultury 1/2020

Why the controversy around education reforms in Poland is about much more than pay; on the historical role of nursery-school teachers; Polish nationalism’s attitude to literary ‘nest-foulers’; and how dark secrets constitute community.

Cover for: Cautious predictions

Cautious predictions

Letras Libres 5/2020

Why, post-pandemic, we will need a new debate about the welfare state we want; Marxist responses to the crisis between ‘zombie apocalypse’ and ‘viral new dawn’; and why democracy relinquished is democracy reclaimed with difficulty.

Cover for: Come together

Come together

Springerin 2/2020

Why, in times of crisis, we need to recognize the qualities of failing; on emancipation through creative cooperation and how to activate the commons; and a parallel history of Arab-Israeli politics.

Cover for: Learning from lockdown

Learning from lockdown

Esprit 5/2020

What the corona crisis teaches us about the human side of medicine; how France’s response has revealed the impact of decades of neoliberalism; and why the pandemic may shake up the country’s education system.

Cover for: Putting AI in its place

Putting AI in its place

Fronesis 64-65/2020

‘Fronesis’ puts AI in social, political and historical context. Including articles on social democratic discourse on automation since the 1950s; the material conditions of the cloud; and the blindspots of ‘digital empiricism’.

Cover for: Trying to concentrate

Trying to concentrate

Varlık 5/2020

‘Varlık’ concentrates on the attention economy: whether the corona crisis will wake us from the sleep of social media; the novella as literary form for our distracted times; and why the pandemic did not take place (homage to Baudrillard).

Cover for: Lithuania’s myopic crisis management

‘Kultūros barai’ blasts the Lithuanian government’s coronavirus response, saying that behind the statistics-driven PR and business-friendly attitude lies a reality of shortages and chronic failure to address underlying causes.

Cover for: COVID-19 from Budapest to Bishkek

‘Osteuropa’ surveys the politics of COVID-19 in eastern Europe, including case studies on Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia. How far does the pandemic pose a threat to autocrats in the region?

Cover for: The Stalinization of memory

The Stalinization of memory

New Eastern Europe 3/2020

‘New Eastern Europe’ focuses on the situation in Donbas: why, six years after the start of hostilities, western Europe still needs to be reminded that Putin is waging war against Ukraine. Also, insights into the escalation in Russian–Polish memory wars.

Cover for: What happened to democratic socialism?

‘Il Mulino’ on democratic socialism’s demise after ’89: including articles on Italy’s split left; anti-welfarism and the ‘undeserving poor’; and why schooling is crucial in combatting social disarticulation.

Cover for: Populism in power

Populism in power

Esprit 4/2020

‘Esprit’ on the alliance between Christians and anti-establishment populists; illiberalism and the transformation of democracy; the EPP and the ‘Hungary question’; and why ‘The Joker’ captures the political zeitgeist.

Cover for: The long relationship

The long relationship

Ord&Bild 1-2/2020

‘Ord&Bild’ publishes a big issue on India and Europe. Including articles on the Europeanization of novelist Nirmal Verma; Akbar’s forgotten multiculturalist legacy; the silent suffering of refugee filmmakers; existentialism in Indian literature; and faith in Hindi cinema.

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