17 articles

The emergence of a new Ukraine offers an opportunity to reinvigorate the European project and reaffirm its ideals of union, solidarity, democracy and peace. A strong, successful Ukraine protects against a democratic backslide in the east of the continent. With this in mind, Eurozine is coordinating a media exchange project in partnership with the Open Society Initiative for Europe, OSIFE, that links independent media in Ukraine with “alternative” media in five countries in western Europe: Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Greece. The aim is to promote critical, informed and nuanced voices that counter the dominant discourse of crisis concerning Ukraine.
The project raises awareness among media professionals and journalists of social, political and cultural debates in Ukraine, and supports them in providing a multifaceted and diverse image of Ukraine to readers and viewers. By facilitating the exchange of media products (articles, TV-reports) between Ukrainian media and media outlets in the target countries, the project introduces an international public to debates in Ukraine on topics such as human rights, the environment, the refugee crisis (both within and outside Ukraine’s borders), labour law and union rights, austerity politics, cultural policy and LGBT rights.
Through a journalists’ exchange programme, journalists will have a unique opportunity to produce reportage, make contact with their Ukrainian colleagues and gain insight into the topics and debates most relevant to them. In the long run, the project is geared toward establishing strong and reliable relationships between journalists and media in Ukraine and European countries that result in long-term media co-operations and widely disseminated reportage about developments in Ukraine beyond crisis communication and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Entre novembre 2013 et février 2014, des centaines de milliers de personnes se rassemblaient à Kiev et ailleurs, plusieurs d’entre elles y laissaient leur vie. Le refus de l’accord d’association entre l’Ukraine et l’Union européenne par le président Viktor Ianoukovitch représentait l’une de ces gouttes d’eau qui font déborder l’histoire récente d’un pays déjà emplie de drames et de soubresauts, tandis que sa population revendique de plus en plus sa volonté de prendre son destin en main.
There are few places where the new East-West conflict can be observed so clearly as in Kyiv. The weapons are money, networks and propaganda, writes Harald Neuber. He reports on the silent battle for hearts and minds that’s carried out in public but orchestrated from behind the scenes.
Giganteschi murales che coprono intere pareti. Approvati dalle autorità in nome di una legge sull’eliminazione dei simboli sovietici. Così la città sembra la Brooklyn degli artisti. Ma alla fine è solo altra propaganda
The far Right continues to capitalize on the extremes of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the country’s deepening economic crisis, writes Kostas Zafeiropoulos, even as key elements at this end of the political spectrum regroup.
Dans le quartier neuf de Liko, à Kiev, une école primaire met la nature au cœur de son projet pédagogique. Les 300 élèves d’entre 5 et 11 ans apprennent à prendre soin de leur environnement, à appréhender le changement climatique, à préserver la planète. Reportage.
Obwohl offiziell das Friedensabkommen in Kraft ist, herrscht immer noch Krieg in der Ostukraine. 50.000 der Soldaten sind weiblich. Wie gehen sie mit dem Stress und der Lebensgefahr um? Ein Besuch an der Front.
The real costs of increasing social inequality are plain for all to see in Ukraine, and not least in Kyiv’s superblocks. But here too, there is a resilience that has to be seen to be believed. Not content with TV reports and YouTube clips, Adeline Marquis pays one such superblock a visit.
Η διαμάχη στην Ανατολική Ουκρανία εξακολουθεί, όπως και οι συνέπειές της στο πλαίσιο αντιπαράθεσης ΗΠΑ και ΕΕ από τη μια και Ρωσίας από την άλλη. Παρότι πολύ μελάνι έχει χυθεί για τις άμεσες και έμμεσες συνέπειες αυτής της σύγκρουσης, ελάχιστη σημασία έχει δοθεί στο γεγονός ότι οι αποσχισθείσες περιοχές, Ντονιέτσκ και Λουχάνσκ – έχουν επιλέξει τον προσδιορισμό “Λαϊκές Δημοκρατίες” και στο τι αυτός ο όρος εξηγεί αλλά και σηματοδοτεί.
One of the legacies of the Maidan in Kyiv is a subcultural revolution that retains its momentum to this day, albeit under increasingly precarious circumstances. Luigi Spinola talks to the DJs, entrepreneurs and politicians who know the scene best.
L’Ukraine a terminé 3eme au classement des médailles aux jeux paralympiques de Rio malgré le conflit qui les a privés de leur centre d’entrainement d’été en Crimée, annexée par la Russie depuis deux ans. Le sport et le paralympisme constituent un enjeu dans le conflit qui oppose l’Ukraine à la Russie.
Every generation of Ukrainians is confronted anew with the country’s historical traumas. However, Ricardo Dudda reports on the dangers of the past distracting reformers’ attention away from Ukraine’s future, especially where Russian propaganda seeks to distort the historical record.
Sloviansk is a grey city in eastern Ukraine. This was already the case, before pro-Russian separatists occupied it and the Ukrainian army brought it back under Kyiv’s control. But young people are now attempting to add some splashes of colour to the wasteland, not far from the frontline. And not only with paintbrushes. Above all, they want to change people’s mentality.
Στους δρόμους του Κιέβου σήμερα, τόσο στο κέντρο όσο και στα προάστια με τα τεράστια μπλοκ των εργατικών κατοικιών, σπάνια συναντάς άστεγους, επαίτες και μετανάστες όπως στην Αθήνα. Παράλληλα, η ανεργία κινείται ακόμα κοντά σε μονοψήφια νούμερα (9%). Πρόκειται για μια μάλλον μαγική εικόνα, σε μια χώρα που το 24,3% του πληθυσμού της βρίσκεται κάτω από το όριο της φτώχειας.
Ukraine was ranked 107th out of 180 countries in this year’s World Press Freedom Index. An improvement on 2015, but still indicative of the serious threats that the country’s journalists face. Cecilia Ferrara takes stock of recent developments in the new media landscape.