Focal Points

Read dossiers on key topics compiled and edited in collaboration with Eurozine partners.

All Focal Points

Cover for: Mood of the Union

In the run up to the European Parliamentary elections in May, editors from the Eurozine network are reporting on national debates from across the EU. The aim is to compile a more detailed and comparative picture of the public mood than that usually provided by national media.

Cover for: The EU: Broken or just broke?

With trillions potentially having to be poured into national economies too big to fail -- Greece, Ireland, Portugal, even Italy and Spain -- the eurocrisis is threatening to overshadow the collapse of 2008. In a new Eurozine focal point, Jacques Delors, Jürgen Habermas, Daniel Daianu, Ulrike Guérot, Slavenka Drakulic and others discuss whether the EU is not only broke, but also broken -- and if so, whether Europe's leaders are up to the task of fixing it.

Peekaboo through holes of the Berlin wall

Twenty years after 1989, most former communist states in central and eastern Europe are members of the EU. Yet the transition from closed to open societies is far from "complete".

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