Focal Points

Read dossiers on key topics compiled and edited in collaboration with Eurozine partners.

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Cover for: Knowledgeable youth

"Vom Wissen der Jungen" / "Knowledgeable youth" is a collaboration between Eurozine, RECET and Viennese community radio Radio ORANGE 94.0, funded by the City of Vienna (Stadt Wien Kultur).

Cover for: Disinformation

Fake news has become big news. Post-truth is the new paradigm. Respect for facticity is becoming, by all accounts, a commercial anachronism. And behind it all, the spectre of an illiberal international waging ‘info-war’ against western democracies.

Cover for: Big Tech and democracy

Internet technologies are being used in ways that raise far-reaching questions about the resilience and sustainability of democratic systems. And they have fundamentally impacted on understandings of the political, transforming democracies from within.

Cover for: The legacy of division

When the Cold War came to a sudden end thirty years ago, the two halves of Europe declared in unison their intention to overcome the legacy of division. Today, the hopes and ambitions of those heady days may seem unrealistic. But is talk of a new East–West divide justified?

Cover for: Worlds of cultural journals

Cultural journals have played a crucial role in the formation of the public spheres in Europe and beyond. Looking at their history helps understand where they are headed. A Eurozine focal point in collaboration with the Working Group on Periodicals Research.

Cover for: Democracy delivered?

Digital technologies are increasingly seen as an antidote to the complaints of ‘post-democracy’. However, the impacts of digital media on democratic processes also need to be seen critically. Covering issues of digitization, disinformation and post-truth politics, this focal point, based on discussions that took place at the 28th European Meeting of Cultural Journals, asks whether internet technologies are saving democracy, or whether democracy is being delivered up to the forces of illiberalism.

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