Feminist reads for Women's Day

Read up on feminist topics from theories of sexual violence to political strategies for women’s advancement and history from a female perspective for Internaational Women’s Day (8 March).

Photo source: unsplash.com


Ann J. Cahill says there is a distinction between rape and ‘unjust sex’, when a woman is pressured into sex but her agency still plays a role, a term used to address the grey areas between unwilling yet consensual sex and outright sexual violence:

Ghalia Djelloul, meanwhile, asks whether feminist critique can intersect with religion, particularly Islam:

Sex work will disappear when capitalism is abolished, says Amaranta Heredia Jaén. Until then, however, we have to start talking about it as work and begin to address the question of labour rights:


In a blow to some misconceptions, Margaret R. Higonnet argues that changes in gender roles during and after the two World Wars were more limited than is often thought. ‘The more things change,’ she says, ‘the more they remain the same’:

This isn’t the only misconception out there, though. In an interview with Metka Mencin Čeplak and Mirijana Ule, Emica Antončič focuses on liberal feminism’s blindspots and the consequences of women’s commodification:

Katharina Lux looks at the impact of feminist magazines in the ’80s and ’90s:


Wendy Brown prioritizes determination before hope in an interview with Jo Littler:

Londa Schiebinger talks bias in biology and culturally induced ignorance:

The cause of women is the cause of civilization, and it must allow for different takes to co-exist, writes Aloma Rodríguez:

Published 7 March 2019
Original in English
First published by Eurozine

© Eurozine



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