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A sense of community

Or, in defence of the citizens' nation

A critical analysis of nations and nationalism is as crucial now as it ever was, argues Bruno Schoch. But so long as it protects civil liberties and cultivates a constitutional patriotism, then a nation of free and equal citizens remains an ideal worth striving toward.

Oleksandra Matviychuk of Kyiv’s Center for Civil Liberties was awarded the Democracy Defender Award in Vienna on 24 February 2016. The prize, awarded annually, is the initiative of 16 country delegations to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The following text is based on Matviychuk’s acceptance speech.

Cover for: Reforms in Ukraine

Reforms in Ukraine

Between old legacies and a new social contract

With president Petro Poroshenko and prime minister Arseniy Yatseniuk having lost their image as radical reformers of late, Iryna Solonenko says it is up to Ukraine’s new reform-minded actors in both government and civil society to secure a new social contract. However, the challenges they face are formidable, as the legacies of previous regimes persist and resistance to change among the old guard remains fierce.

Cover for: Bosnia in Ukraine

Bosnia in Ukraine

Or, how to break the devil's leg

Firstly, you have to talk to your enemy even in the middle of a war, writes Senad Pecanin. Secondly, that dialogue will not be at all easy or pleasant; and thirdly, it is worth trying, since when it does take place, it is almost certain to yield useful results.

Cover for: Back to the future in Ukraine

Back to the future in Ukraine

Cultural policies two years after Maidan

The Maidan protests have given Ukraine a chance to stop and look at its future, and plan it the way she wanted to, writes Kateryna Botanova. Now it’s becoming apparent how to make the revolutionary shift from continual fighting, distrust and questioning of legitimacy to mutual support, collaboration and growth.

Cover for: A new Eurasian paradigm

If the European Union wants to remain relevant in global affairs, it must be active along the new Silk Road, writes Adam Balcer. It must look to a Eurasia that goes beyond Russia and the former Soviet republics, and formulate an eastern policy concerned primarily with China, Turkey and Iran.

Cover for: The great variety show

New technologies like genome editing raise complex ethical questions that go the heart of debates over so-called “human nature” and evolution. Philosopher of science Tim Lewens considers how the latest innovations affect received notions of what is and what is not natural.

Cover for: The white shadows

The white shadows

Drones, warfare and contemporary culture

Perhaps the most serious problem with drones is not the state of mind they create in their operators, writes Arne Borge of Vagant (Norway); but that war has given way to never-ending police action, where the police force is no longer subject to common law.

Cover for: Country, war, love

Country, war, love

Excerpts from the Donetsk Diary

Just weeks after Ukraine’s parliament voted to remove Viktor Yanukovych from office, the country’s eastern regions descended into a senseless war, marking a grave new low in relations with Russia. Historian Olena Stiazhkina reflects powerfully on how the conflict has compromised Ukraine’s attempts to take its destiny into its own hands.

Cover for: The art of aging in Christian life

One almost wonders what Christianity has added to Roman writers’ reflections on old age, writes Andrei Plesu. The answer: a much greater emphasis on transcendence. But how might the dimension of transcendence contribute to a better understanding and use of old age?

Cover for: A defence of ardour

In honour of Adam Zagajewski being awarded the 2016 Jean Améry Prize for European essay writing, Eurozine publishes Zagajewski’s defence of ardour. That is, true ardour, which doesn’t divide but unifies; and leads neither to fanaticism nor to fundamentalism.

As the struggle between democracy and a dream of some kind of return to the past deepens in Europe, Adam Zagajewksi contemplates the passage between ideas and action in the real world, wherein lies the old European – and not only European – wound.

Cover for: The weight of the past

Responding to the appalling violence that the machineries of war and economics unleashed during the twentieth century, Marcel Cohen concurs with Samuel Beckett’s mid-century remark: “To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist now”. Based on a speech first delivered in 1998, Cohen’s essay remains hugely relevant today.

Cover for: The Yugoslav Atlantis

Like Yugoslavia, the European Union may well prove a failure in the long run, unless it can prevent the dominance of its most powerful member states. Hence the continuous need to find ways of embracing difference without giving up the cultural tradition in which one was born and raised.

Cover for: Homely horror

Norwegian literary critic Henning Hagerup grapples with the notion of the uncanny in European language and literature. He also considers how today Marxist thought poses an unheimlich threat to the glorified, ahistorical arrogance of the capitalistic-neoliberal establishment.

Cover for: Exile and the Schlemihl complex

The exile’s personal history can be compared to a shadow that he has lost and could never hope to recover, writes Olivier Remaud. Having acknowledged that life in exile tends to dehumanize, both inwardly and outwardly, Remaud explores a rich vein of literature dealing with the topic, from Ovid and Adelbert von Chamisso, to Hannah Arendt and Siegfried Kracauer.

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