
Read more than 6000 articles in 35 languages from over 90 cultural journals and associates.

Cover for: The less we care about healthcare workers

The less we care about healthcare workers

The importance of recognition in pandemic times

The commercialized celebration of minority groups distracts from real social and economic issues. Rainbow-washing can veil persistent homophobia, while ‘clapping for carers’ obscures the hardships health sector workers face.

Cover for: Polycentric voices

Polycentric voices

Call for a European urban/rural balance

Populations worldwide are increasingly urban and, so the argument goes, take precedence. But what of the ‘unrecognized’ rural minority? In Italy, mountain regions are more than weekend retreats: they provide the chance to rethink strategies that could also liberate the city.

Cover for: A just transformation?

A just transformation?

Why the Polish PiS government is standing up for the Coal Republic

The trauma of the 1990s economic shock therapy reverberates in the Polish resistance against the green transition. The PiS government is demanding the EU finance the climate transformation, leaving them with funds to preserve the iconic coal industry despite its economic failure.

Cover for: Beyond the two-state solution

The Left in Israel has been decimated. Some believe that the only chance for meaningful opposition is for the Left to drop the doctrine that Zionism requires a Jewish State. The Zionist Left, so this argument goes, should abandon the two-state solution in favour of a federal arrangement with Palestine. A discussion.

Cover for: The new essentialism?

The debate over whether a white person should translate the work of a black poet draws attention to the lack of diversity in the literary sector, but it also raises questions about the very concept of translation. Simon Garnett re-reads António Sousa Ribeiro’s seminal work on inter-translatability.

Cover for: China’s galaxy empire

Talk of a new Cold War between the US and China emphasizes military capacity and economic prowess. Warrior discourse presents a mono-dimensional situation in which conflict is inevitable. But couldn’t China’s stratospheric rise be better understood and handled by looking at the cultural complexities behind its advances?

Cover for: The meaning of Mark Rutte

The Netherlands is set for elections. Despite the current Dutch prime minister’s many problems, from the COVID-19 pandemic to a childcare benefits scandal, there is talk of him winning a fourth consecutive term. But who exactly is the man behind a decade of leadership?

Cover for: A genealogy of white privilege

A genealogy of white privilege

On the politics of confession and guilt

The discourse of white privilege is motivated by a genuinely anti-racist and democratic vision. But as a mode of confessional introspection aimed to provoke shame and guilt, its effects can be the opposite of transformational.

Cover for: Russia in the starting blocks

In the run up to the Duma elections, the Kremlin has introduced laws stepping up the repression of civil society. But the public mood is changing and screw-tightening could lead to a broader mobilisation of regime opponents.

Cover for: Garbage and governance under Putin

Controversies around waste disposal in Russia express popular discontent with Putin’s power vertical. Far from ending protests against landfills, the Kremlin’s top-down ‘garbage revolution’ has only deepened citizens’ sense of injustice.


Bang on your pots and pans

Topical: Women’s Day Reads

One year in and the pandemic has hit women particularly hard: decades’ of advancement in the workplace and academia are under threat; domestic violence has skyrocketed. And yet, in institutional politics, women seem to be growing in numbers and influence. This year’s International Women’s Day ‘challenge’ is one of recovery.

Cover for: Landlubbers and seafarers

Growing up in North Wales after the War as the child of a merchant navy sea captain was to be aware of a world beyond one’s cultural horizons. But though a source of fascination, cosmopolitanism came at a cost to both family and father. The story of one man’s life in a once proud national industry.

Cover for: Unmasking naked delusion

Ever been had? Led to believe a lie, an untruth? Realized the con too late? It can happen to anyone. Deception is rife. But so too is delusion. ‘Tangents’, a new Eurozine editorial feature, takes a critical look at the duplicitous pair.

Cover for: A quiet visionary

A quiet visionary

In memoriam Gaby Zipfel 1951–2021

Gaby Zipfel, the former editor of the journal ‘Mittelweg 36’, was for three decades one of the driving forces behind the Eurozine network. Her vision, intellectual energy and unmatched capacity for critique will be sorely missed.

Cover for: How the sun was privatized

How the sun was privatized

Vaccines at the mercy of markets

The rush to find a COVID-19 vaccine has resulted in myriad products rather than medical strategies. In the West, mostly private labs are behind what has become a precious commodity. How did public health and money become contractually tied to privately owned medicine?

Romanova 1

Russia’s penal system has not been reformed since the late-Stalinist period and is essentially managed by the FSB. Alexei Navalny will be sent to one of the many correction colonies that serve as prisons. Conditions in these deeply backward institutions are atrocious, says Olga Romanova, founder of the NGO Russia Behind Bars.

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