
Read more than 6000 articles in 35 languages from over 90 cultural journals and associates.

Cover for: The power of empty terms

Unlike a historical dispute or ideological debate, the ‘politics of morality’ is primarily about power, a concept with American origins, now playing out in Europe. But what lies even further behind central Europe’s growing disagreement over same-sex marriage, abortion rights and immigration?

Cover for: The common good or the market?

Under the commercial imperative of ratings and likes, public service broadcasters are moving complex and quality content to online only. As the example of Germany’s Westdeutsche Rundfunk shows, this fragments audiences, thereby undermining a core principle of public service.

Cover for: The end of the Merkel Republic

The implosion of the CDU marks the end of the era of stable two-way coalitions in Germany. The resurgent SPD is now faced with a dilemma: run the risk of deadlock together with the FDP and Greens, or strike out into the uncharted waters of minority government.

Cover for: Unruly bodies, outrageous transformations

Unruly bodies, outrageous transformations

International feminist comic art

Thirty years ago, feminist comics declared war on the gender order. Combining satirical storytelling with visions of carnivalesque subversion, this undervalued artistic discipline transgresses both bodily and aesthetic norms.

Cover for: A European elephant in the room

A European elephant in the room

On public space, ecology and the lands of Europe: a conversation with Tim Flannery

Europe has never been a place for racial or environmental purity. Situated at a crossroads of the world, it has always been characterized by change and hybridisation. Palaeontologist Tim Flannery calls for reinventing the commons and bringing elephants back to Europe.

Cover for: Rome and Beijing: Divorce Italian style?

Italy’s enthusiasm for Chinese investment has recently cooled, as transatlanticism, security risks and domestic resentment become decisive factors. The Italian change of heart is shared by the EU, which is finally developing a coordinated and values-based response to Chinese economic activity in the bloc.

Cover for: Adult enterprise

Whether to protect women or to enforce public morality, criminalization of sex work won’t make it go away. Online platforms for advertising sexual services are indeed exploitative, but they also offer sex workers safety and independence.

Cover for: Supply, demand or prayer

Istanbul’s water reserves are drying up: increasingly severe droughts, intense urban development and the growing population all have their impact. With no miracle cure in sight, environmental science looks for proven ways to reduce water loss in times of scarcity.

Cover for: Mutualism, massive and the city to come

Mutualism, massive and the city to come

Jungle pirate radio in 1990s London

In the 1990s Britain was under Thatcherite continuity rule. But radio waves were appearing that carried fragments of the future: weekend broadcasts of a new kind of music – Jungle – were being illegally beamed across the city from improvised studios in empty flats, via aerials on tower block rooftops.

Cover for: Arbitrary lines

Arbitrary lines

The idea of Europe – and its consequences

The myth of European exceptionalism no longer holds: the continent’s boundaries are arbitrary, its heritage mixed and controversial, and unfit for a unified identity to hold it together. If we give up the commonplaces that have proven insufficient, what can then define and unify this peninsula of peninsulas? True democratic dissent, Ferenc Laczó argues.

Cover for: Losing ground and doubling down

Losing ground and doubling down

Police violence on increase in Turkey

The covid crisis has hit Turkey hard and made its mark on the government’s approval ratings. The country already has the highest number of police officers per capita in Europe and the regime is clamping down on dissent with increasing force – be it Pride marches or women’s protests for the Istanbul Convention.

Cover for: Conditional solidarity

Conditional solidarity

Ambiguities of the European recovery strategy

After lengthy COVID-19 restrictions, economic recovery is at the top of many political agendas. The EU’s comeback strategy – a €750 billion grant and loan repayment scheme – heralds an anti-austerity, environmentally friendly vision. But how realistic is reform when employment legislation still tows a market-driven line? And what lasting ecological provisions can be made from such a rapid, goal-focused turnaround?

Cover for: The Holocaust as civilizational rupture?

The polemic intention of the ‘German catechism’ argument – that Holocaust memory serves a quasi-theological function and is therefore policed – has distracted from the empirical claims on which it rests. So how strong is the evidence of continuity between the colonial and the Nazi genocides? And does a direct connection need to be established in order to justify reconsideration of the ‘singularity theory’?

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