
Read more than 6000 articles in 35 languages from over 90 cultural journals and associates.

Cover for: Of beasts and men

A bill on Animal Welfare is currently making its way through the UK parliament. If passed, non-human vertebrates would be recognized as sentient. But would this mean that animals have the same or similar rights to humans?

Cover for: The man from nowhere

A common currency, a single passport and a European anthem: all were originally the ideas of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. But though the founder of the pan-Europa movement was ahead of his time in many ways, impatience with institution-building meant his concrete achievements remained limited.

Cover for: Entering Kazakhstan

Entering Kazakhstan

A new answer to how autocracies survive

Coup attempt or assertion of supremacy? It is still not clear what has happened in Kazakhstan. Whatever the case, the hijacking of the demonstrations has severely damaged prospects for the country’s democratization.

Cover for: Unhitching the wagon

Unlike their nineteenth-century precursors, anti-European intellectuals in Russia today are neither engaged in dialogue with the West, nor do they realize that their ideas about European decline are themselves derivative.

Cover for: Testing patience

Contracting COVID-19 in the UK over Christmas was far from joyous. While politicians, favouring business over health, were betting on Omicron’s mild symptoms leading to few hospitalizations, especially for the vaccinated, the isolated and sick were negotiating a procedural nightmare of defunct privatized healthcare provision.

Cover for: A permanent scar

A permanent scar

COVID-19's impact on young people’s futures

Almost two years after the onset of the pandemic, young people in Europe are reflecting on the impact it has had on their lives and questioning what it will mean for their future prospects.

Cover for: Bitching about it

Bitching about it

Interview with Elena Diouf

Reappropriating stereotypes sends out a powerful message. And women of colour are putting themselves in a strong position, turning abusive rap into emancipation, overcoming issues of gender, class and race.

Cover for: The disgrace of French Catholicism

The findings of the recent inquiry into paedophilia in the French Catholic Church exceeded the worst expectations. But despite the shock and anger among Catholics and the wider public, the deep-seated conservatism within the Church is resisting the recommended reforms.

Cover for: It’s your choice

It’s your choice

Readers’ favourites in 2021

Black Europeans, faulty vaccines, dying seas and politics in football: here are the Top10 articles from Eurozine in the second pandemic year.

Cover for: The lives and deaths of Georgi Markov

From being the literary darling of Bulgaria’s communist regime, Georgi Markov became its most vociferous critic. Yet his memory, in so far it exists at all, has been reduced to his spectacular assassination in London. On Markov’s work and the lives of the man behind it.

Cover for: ‘Quit speaking to the centre’

‘You watch TV, you open a magazine, you see billboards, and you never see yourself.’ A conversation with Hungarian Roma LGBTQ+ activist Joci Márton on minority representation in Europe and how minority members themselves can take the lead.

Cover for: Human, all-too human

Human, all-too human

Anastasia Filippovna’s ‘Portrait of Christ’

If Jesus is portrayed as fully human, can his divinity be rescued from the manifestation of what is visibly ‘all-too-human’? Christ’s depiction in Dostoevsky’s novel ‘The Idiot’ creates layered religious, historiographical and artistic readings.

Cover for: Invest in insight!

The crisis has caught up with us, and now we’re asking our readers to invest in Eurozine to help us get through an exceptionally lean year in 2022. Eurozine has been offering outstanding content for free for over 20 years. Your support is crucial to maintaining this work and we are offering exclusive articles, recordings, events and merch to our patrons.

Cover for: Belarusian futures past

For many Belarusians, Lukashenka offered shelter from the upheavals of the 1990s. But when Soviet nostalgia began to fade, faux utopia gave way to an eternal authoritarian present. Since Summer 2020, the future has returned to Belarus. What form will it take this time?

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