Moshe Zimmerman

Israeli historian and writer. Former director of the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1986–2013). His latest book, Niemals Frieden? Israel am Scheideweg (Never peace? Israel at the crossroads), is published by Propyläen.


Cover for: The two-state solution: An illusion?

The two-state solution is often seen as empty talk. But it is the only alternative that offers a realistic prospect of peace in Israel-Palestine and the wider region. Putting it into practice will require not only genuine, detailed discussion, but above all a fundamental shift of mindset.

Cover for: Beyond the two-state solution

The Left in Israel has been decimated. Some believe that the only chance for meaningful opposition is for the Left to drop the doctrine that Zionism requires a Jewish State. The Zionist Left, so this argument goes, should abandon the two-state solution in favour of a federal arrangement with Palestine. A discussion.