Volodymyr Sklokin

is Professor of History at the Chair for History of the Eastern Ukrainian Branch of the International Solomon University (Kharkiv). He has conducted research fellowships at the Institute of History of the Mickiewicz University in Poznan, at the University of Cambridge and at Harvard University. Sklokin main research interests are the social and cultural history of Ukraine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; nationality studies; and the theory and history of historiography. He works on research projects that are dedicated to the discussion of the social relevance of history in eastern European and Anglo-American historiographies.


Cover for: Turning public

Turning public

Historians and public intellectuals in post-Soviet Ukraine

As scholars, historians must discover the truth about the past, writes Volodymyr Sklokin. But following the Ukrainian intellectual community’s transformation after 1991, Ukrainian historians have also begun to find their feet as intellectuals responsible for sustaining a public sphere.

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