Koen van Zon

Political historian working as a postdoctoral researcher at Studio Europa Maastricht, on a project on grassroots community protests vis-à-vis European institutions. In 2020, he received his PhD from Radboud University (the Netherlands) on the question of the democratic legitimacy of the European Community institutions during the 1950s and 1960s. Previously, Koen worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) on the history of consumer representation and activism in the EU. Koen’s current research revolves around the history of the relation between European citizens and EU institutions. His specific interests include institutions, political representation, social movements, regulatory politics and environmental history.


Cover for: European elections: A coming of age?

France’s snap elections are the most spectacular sign that EU elections now matter. But whether the far right’s shift from fundamental opposition towards reform from within politicizes the EU in a positive way depends on the centre’s readiness to hold its ground.