Adam Tooze
Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History at Colombia University, NY. His book Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World was published in August 2018. His first book, Statistics and the German State: the Making of Modern Economic Knowledge appeared in 2001. Wages of Destruction: the Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy was published in 2006 and Deluge: The Great War and the Remaking of the Global Order 1916-1931 in 2014. He has written and reviewed for the Financial Times, The Guardian, the Sunday Telegraph, the TLS, the LRB, the New left Review, the New Statesman, the WSJ, the New York Times, the New York Review of Books, Dissent, Die Zeit, Spiegel, taz and the Süddeutsche Zeitung.