Tomas Sedlacek
is Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at CSOB. He is author of Economics of Good and Evil: The Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street (Oxford University Press, 2011) and teaches economic history and philosophy at Charles University, Prague. He is also a member of the group Narrative of Europe commissioned by Manuel Barroso and a council member of the World Economic Forum.
Im philosophischen Basislager
Roundtable discussion
Am Fusse des Monte Verità machen sich John Gray, Tomás Sedlácek und Nassim Nicholas Taleb Gedanken zu ökonomischen, politischen und religiösen Utopien. Das grosse Gespräch mit drei führenden Denkern über Voodoo-Ökonomie, unbefleckte Empfängnis und den Horror eines stressfreien Lebens.