Nathalie Tocci

Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome; Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen; independent non-executive director of Acea; and Europe’s Futures Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna. Her research interests include European integration and European foreign policy, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, transatlantic relations, multilateralism, conflict resolution, energy, climate and defence.


Cover for: Unity or else: The EU after the elections

As the EU confronts external challenges – including the war in Ukraine, rising geopolitical tensions, and potential shifts in US policy – will its internal politics align to meet these crises, or will the growing influence of the far right impede progress on the continent’s most pressing issues?

Cover for: Ukraine: Europe’s greatest test

The Russian attack on Ukraine has plunged Europe into a security crisis. So far the reaction has been united. But quick-fix defence spending is one thing, a long-term strategic response quite another. Part of the series ‘Lessons of war: The rebirth of Europe revisited.’

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