Robert Rotifer

b. 1969 in Vienna, is a freelance journalist for magazines and newspapers including Wespennest, Falter, Profil, and Berliner Zeitung. Robert Rotifer is also a musician. Several times a week he commutes from his home in Canterbury, in the south of England, to London, where his two solo albums were recorded: “A Different Cup of Fish” (2001, Survival of Defeatist / vertrieb Trost), and “Shambles Grove” (2004, Survival of Defeatist / vertrieb Ixthuluh).


Rainbow puddles on Park Lane

Following the trail of oil that runs through London's streets

Oil, and the wealth it brings, has left an indelible mark on London over the last fifty years: in transport, in civil society, in architecture, and, of course, in football. This article was written in April 2005, three months before the bomb attacks on London. Since then, the opening paragraphs have become eerily premonitory. But, as most Londoners would tell you, it didn’t take a clairvoyant to foresee what was to come.

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