René Scheu

is publisher and editor-in-chief of Swiss monthly Schweizer Monat. He studied philosophy and Italian studies, and received his PhD with a thesis on contemporary philosophy from the University of Zurich. He has edited and translated several books in the fields of psychoanalysis, contemporary philosophy and philosophical anthropology.


The role of the sceptic

A conversation with John Gray

The destination of intellectual journeys, remarks John Gray, is unknown at any one time. Utopianism, on the other hand, usually ends in disaster. Thus the radical anti-communist of the 1970s finds Marx’s analysis of capitalism prescient today and rates Keynes above Hayek.

Europa brennt

René Scheu trifft Ulrich Beck

Deutschlands bekanntester Soziologe ist besorgt: Der alte deutsche D-Mark-Nationalismus finde sich nunmehr in den beinahe imperialistischen Strukturen der EU wieder, sagt Ulrich Beck. An den neu entstandenen finanziellen Abhängigkeiten drohe die Union zu zerreissen. Aber selbst wenn – wäre das tatsächlich so schlimm? Ein Streitgespräch.

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