Obrad Savic
is an author and philosopher living in Belgrade. He taught at all universities in former Yugoslavia (University of Ljubljana, University of Zagreb, University of Sarajevo) and as a Visiting Lecturer he has given lectures at many universities and colleges in the United States (such as Cornell University, Bates College, USM, Drexel University, Stamford University, Ohio State University and Rochester Institute for Technology.)
In 2005, ten years after the Srebrenica massacre, a group of Serbian NGOs published a declaration calling for official Serbian recognition of the rights of victims of Serbian war crimes. Introducing the declaration, Obrad Savic describes “the organized denial of crimes in Serbia”, and “the arrogant self-justification of the collective massacre in Srebrenica” that prompted its publication.
Cosmopolitan friendship
In memoriam Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
Obrad Savic expresses his respect for a cosmopolitan friend who never kept his political and moral passion separate from theoretical reflections.