Nikola Tietze

(b.1965) is research assistant at the Hamburg Institute of Social Research. Numerous publications on issues of Islam, including Islamische Identitäten. Formen muslimischer Religiosität junger Männer in Deutschland und Frankreich, published 2001 in Hamburg.


Cover for: More justice through more Europe

More justice through more Europe

An interview with Ulrich Beck

While discrepancies between EU member states can be overlooked during win-win periods of growth, recession triggers xenophobic and anti-European reactions in both rich and poor countries. In interview with Nikola Tietze and Ulrich Bielefeld for Mittelweg 36, Ulrich Beck explains how inequality leaves the Union susceptible to decay. Building on the sense of a common European destiny engendered by the crisis, how can Europe be communicated as an opportunity for more power rather than a threat to national sovereignty?

Cover for: In search of Europe

In search of Europe

An interview with Jacques Delors

‘We don’t just need firefighters; we need architects too.’ Interviewed in 2010 by Mittelweg 36, Jacques Delors (1925–2023), three times President of the European Commission, spoke of ‘this Europe of values’, its triumphs and failures, and his hope that a federal Europe of nation states would eventually become a reality.

Georg Stauth,

Islamische Kultur und moderne Gesellschaft. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Soziologie des Islams

transcript , Bielefeld 2000

292 Seiten, 58 Mark.

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