Kathrin Passig
(b.1970) is an author and founding member of the Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur. Winner of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize. Her publications include Das nächste große Ding (2006), Lexikon des Unwissens (2007) and Dinge geregelt kriegen – ohne einen Funken Selbstdisziplin (2008), Weniger schlecht programmieren (2013) and Neue Staaten erfinden. Wie im Netz Politik entsteht (2018).
The trouble with "us"
The blurring of social roles and the consensus illusion
Consensus among online communities may all too often prove fragile if not illusory. But, writes Kathrin Passig, as long as Internet users can adapt to groups that actually agree on only a select few issues, there is no need to lose faith in social media.