Ioana Bot

is Prof. Univ. Prodecan (in charge of programme studies, research and curricular reform, Masters and doctoral studies) at the Arts Faculty of Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Since 1997, she has been dealing with the introduction of the transferable credit system, recognition of studies, achieving compatibility with the study programmes of foreign universities, programme evaluation etc. She is an ARACIS expert (Agentia Romana pentru Asigurarea Calitatii in Invatamintul Superior – The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).


European university reform

Ten propositions in search of an answer

What for the US has been a tradition of collaborating with a prosperous private business world, for the Europeans risks turning into an acceptance of the dictates of the economy. Romanian academic Ioana Bot on the “entrepreneurial university” and other myths of Bologna.

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