In the wake of the technological revolution that is the Internet, writes Ilija Trojanow, principles of self-organization and collaboration might be expected to replace established hierarchies and concentrations of power. Instead, the technologies of surveillance now available to states have never been more intrusive.
Ilija Trojanow
(1965) is author of An den inneren Ufern Idiens [On India’s inner shores] (Hanser 2003); Zu den heiligen Quellen des Islam [To the sacred source of Islam] (Piper 2004); Der Weltensammler [The collector of worlds] (Hanser 2006); Gebrauchsanweisung für Indien [India: A user’s manual] (Piper 2006); Die fingierte Revolution. Bulgarien, eine exemplarische Geschichte [The feigned revolution] (dtv 2006).
One of the most important and ominous aspects of the NSA scandal is the secretive essence of the system, writes Ilija Trojanow: transparency is clearly the biggest enemy of the alleged guardians of freedom. This much Trojanow now knows from personal experience.