Erland Kiøsterud

(b.1953) is a Norwegian author. His latest book is The first work [Det første arbeidet] (Forlaget Oktober 2005). He made his literary debut in 1973 with Wounds that never heal [Sår som aldri gror], and has written many novels since. He won the Gyldendal Prize in 1986.


Faced with increasing immigration, will Europe manage to integrate or will it resort too hastily to isolationist tactics and expulsion? Just how much contradiction can we and our culture take before we manufacture enemies and terrorists to protect what we feel is under threat – our civilisation, our values, our way of life and our identity? Our freedom is contingent on social dumping, the ruthless exploitation of natural resources and Third-World labour, and on military supremacy. Where will the battle for Europe be in the future?

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