Founded in 2014, Voxeurop is an online news and discussion website on European issues, in up to 10 languages. It is run by a team of experts and highly connected senior journalists, translators and developers with more than 20-years of experience in several media across Europe, mastering several languages and cultures. Voxeurop also relies on a network of more than 50 professional translators and as many freelance journalists, and regular and occasional contributors.
Voxeurop assumes European values such as human rights, democracy or freedom of expression as a foundational criterion. As a European news website, it deals with current affairs such as euro-scepticism or the rise of populism, climate change or the crises of democracies which are on the European information agenda, and which are directly addressed against European integration. Voxeurop explains these phenomena from a European perspective for a better understanding of their roots and therefore of the means to combat their storytelling.
At a time when Euroscepticism is gaining ground and European integration is losing it, we believe that only transparent and democratic institutions and true democratic debates can reverse the trend. Informed citizens are aware citizens. Continuing the work Presseurop carried on from 2009 to 2013, Voxeurop made all of Presseurop’s 7,000-content archive freely available to users, so as to provide with an inestimable source of documentation based on thousands of contents available in several languages, particularly appreciated by journalists, students, teachers, researchers, academics, and ordinary citizens eager to get reliable news on European issues and a sense of the state of the debate on topics that matter to them and that are common to Europeans.
Voxeurop is not another “Brussels-bubble” news site: it does not target the specialised public, but the average European citizen willing to have a better grasp of what is going on in the EU and in the countries his own one shares a common destiny with. We privilege explanation and analysis over plain description and always provide context to stories that could otherwise be hard to understand for a non-native audience.
Voxeurop is a place where European citizens engage in a productive discussion about common affairs of European interest: by publishing the most interesting coverage of European topics, providing users with a translating and commenting multi-language platform, and taking active part in the discussion about Europe, Voxeurop provides a place where EU institutions are accountable and EU citizens can engage. In its editorial choices and news coverage both of national and international news, Voxeurop always tries to provide a European perspective, by multiplying angles and sources, so as to provide the widest possible viewpoints. In this way, it seeks to foster a truly European public space, which is essential to a more democratic EU. A true European community, where news and ideas can freely circulate.
The ultimate goal of Voxeurop is to contribute to democracy in Europe and to foster the emergence of a truly European public space. For this purpose, it has developed a unique feature: citizen involvement by means of discussion, article proposals, and comment translation. It is the only European news site to offer such a multilingual commenting platform, giving its community a tool for transnational engagement and discussion.
By sharing its own content and by partnering with other media and organisations, such as OBC Transeuropa, Internazionale, Alternatives Economiques, Social Europe, the Green European Journal, Visegrad Insight or Cartoon Movement, Voxeurop promotes content sharing and contributes to the circulation of ideas throughout Europe as well as to increase its partners’ editorial offer and coverage. Through the years, it has slowly built an ever-growing network of media willing to share their experience, expertise, and content. Voxeurop is the platform for such sharing, fostering cooperation between media organisations rather than competition as a way to face the economic and editorial challenges they are facing for decades.
By taking part as a founder to international media networks such as the Climate Editors Network, the Global Editors Network, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, Librexpression or the European Data Journalism Network, Voxeurop contributes to building transnational media collaborations with the purpose of bringing journalists from different news organisations to work together on common projects and defends freedom of the press. It also aims this way at increasing the coverage of European affairs, always from a European perspective, and to address citizens rather than EU insiders.
By taking part as member or a cofounder to pro-European initiatives, such as EuropaNow!, Media4Europe, the European Democracy Lab, Alliance 4 Europe, Pulse of Europe, Stand Up for Europe, Civico Europa or WeEuropeans (the largest pan-European citizen consultation ever made, with over 3.5 million people reached), by hosting their contributions, and providing coverage of their actions, Voxeurop aims at making their voice heard. It also wants to help to build ties among those organisations which share the same values and purpose: fostering a European conscience among citizens, and involving them in shaping a more democratic, open, accountable, and transparent Europe.
By opening its pages to NGOs such as Bloom, Oceana or The Good Lobby, and to individual contributors, both citizens, and civil society organisations, Voxeurop aims at providing a voice to those wanting to raise awareness or willing to engage with their fellow citizens on the issues that matter the most: the environment and global warming, governance and democracy, and inequalities and social issues. Ultimately, VoxEurop aims at being the reference media for European civil society.
By translating the content it publishes in as many as 10 languages, Voxeurop contributes to extend the discussion on the topics it covers to as many citizens as possible, beyond the very language barrier that prevents a real pan-European debate to be truly popular.
By being run by the first European Cooperative society ever to manage a news organisation, Voxeurop aims at being truly at the service of stakeholders through opening its capital to its contributors, its users, its partners (individuals, media, NGOs), and anyone wishing to take part to its endeavour and support it.
Website: https://voxeurop.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/VoxEurop
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoxEurop
Newsletter: https://voxeurop.eu/en/newsletter

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Im vierten Teil der Reihe „Lektionen aus dem Krieg. Die Wiedergeburt Europas im Spiegel der Zeit“ verteidigt der ukrainische Philosoph, Journalist und Autor Volodymyr Yermolenko die Idee, dass Europa, um die heutigen Neoimperialismen zu überleben, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen seinen „zwei Herzen“ finden muss: dem Wunsch nach Frieden und der Notwendigkeit, sich zu verteidigen.
Zwei Jahrzehnte nachdem die visionären Philosophen Jürgen Habermas und Jacques Derrida ihre Ideen für Europa vorgestellt haben, denken der ehemalige Europaabgeordnete Daniel Cohn-Bendit und der Politikwissenschaftler Claus Leggewie über unerfüllte Erwartungen nach. Angesichts von Pandemie, Klimawandel und Ukraine-Krieg betonen sie die Dringlichkeit einer gemeinsamen europäischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.
Europas Antwort auf die russische Aggression lehnt die koloniale Machtdynamik ab und umfasst finanzielle, politische und militärische Unterstützung. Um den Frieden langfristig zu sichern, muss Europa die Dekolonisierung beschleunigen, die Ukraine in die Entscheidungsfindung einbeziehen und die internationale Ordnung in Frage stellen. Der Ausgang des ukrainischen Kampfes wird Europas postkoloniale Zukunft prägen, meint die Politikwissenschaftlerin Veronica Anghel.
Faire preuve de résignation face à la guerre en Ukraine, c’est ignorer non seulement les atrocités en cours, mais aussi leurs répercussions sur les mythes fondateurs européens sous-jacents. Le moment est venu de repenser ces orthodoxies politiques, affirme l’auteur et conservateur d’art ukrainien Vasyl Tchérépanyne dans sa contribution à la série “Leçons de la guerre. Penser à nouveau la renaissance de l’Europe”.
La rassegnazione di fronte alla guerra in Ucraina non solo ignora le atrocità commesse, ma anche le narrazioni sottostanti. Ora è il momento di riconsiderare le ortodossie politiche, afferma l’autore e storico ucraino Vasyl Cherepanyn nel suo contributo alla serie “Lezioni di guerra”.
In seinem Beitrag zur Reihe „Lektionen aus dem Krieg. Die Wiedergeburt Europas im Spiegel der Zeit“ argumentiert der schwedische Autor Göran Rosenberg, dass Europa mit einer föderalen Struktur besser in der Lage wäre, Entscheidungen zu treffen und sich in Krisensituationen wie dem Krieg in der Ukraine zu engagieren.
Se l’Europa avesse una struttura federale sarebbe in grado di prendere decisioni comuni e più forti e contribuire in maniera più sostanziale a situazioni di crisi come la guerra in Ucraina. Il contributo alla serie “Lezioni di guerra” dell’autore svedese Göran Rosenberg.
Dans sa contribution à notre série sur les leçons de la guerre, l’auteur suédois Göran Rosenberg défend la thèse selon laquelle une structure fédérale européenne faciliterait la prise de décisions, et permettrait à l’Europe de s’impliquer davantage dans des situations de crise telles que la guerre en Ukraine.
Se l’Europa avesse una struttura federale sarebbe in grado di prendere decisioni comuni e più forti e contribuire in maniera più sostanziale a situazioni di crisi come la guerra in Ucraina. Il contributo alla serie “Lezioni di guerra” dell’autore svedese Göran Rosenberg.
Lehren des Krieges
Wiederaufnahme einer vor 20 Jahren geführten Debatte
In einer von zwei Eurozine-Mitgründern initiierten Serie fragen europäische Intellektuelle, was Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine für die Zukunft Europas bedeutet. Anlass ist ein Aufruf, der vor 20 Jahren unter dem Titel: “Nach dem Krieg – Die Wiedergeburt Europas“ erschien. Gemeint war der Irakkrieg. „Es ist der geeignete Moment gekommen,“ so die Autoren damals, „um die europäische Rolle in der Welt neu zu definieren.“ In einem solchen Moment, so scheint uns, leben wir heute wieder, angesichts eines neuen, direkt gegen Europa gerichteten Krieges.
Dans ce quatrième volet de notre série sur les leçons de la guerre, le philosophe, journaliste et auteur ukrainien Volodymyr Yermolenko défend l’idée que pour survivre aux néo-impérialismes d’aujourd’hui, l’Europe doit trouver un équilibre entre ses “deux cœurs” : le désir de paix et la nécessité de se défendre.
Nella quarta parte della serie “Lezioni di guerra. La rinascita dell’Europa rivisitata”, il filosofo, giornalista e scrittore ucraino Volodymyr Yermolenko difende l’idea che per sopravvivere ai neo-imperialismi odierni l’Europa deve trovare un equilibrio tra i suoi “due cuori”: il desiderio di pace e la necessità di difendersi.