Internazionale is an independent Italian weekly magazine founded in Rome in 1993. It selects and translates the best articles from international press into Italian. It has built a reputation as a magazine of reference in a country where international news is often neglected. The magazine regularly publishes articles and opinions from globally known writers and intellectuals. It publishes mostly long form articles and has a section devoted to cultural journalism. Every year, Internazionale organises the journalism festival ‘Internazionale a Ferrara’ with journalists, writers, thinkers and artists from all over the the world on subjects such as international politics, current affairs, finance and culture. Internazionale also has an online version, in which it publishes articles and materials produced by its own editors and collaborators. Since October 2017, Internazionale has also started publishing special editions focusing on specific issues and events. The first one was devoted to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Website: www.internazionale.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Internazionale
Instagram: www.instagram.com/internazionale
Twitter: https://twitter.com/internazionale
App on iTunes
Editor in Chief: Giovanni De Mauro
Internazionale pubblica ogni settimana il meglio dei giornali di tutto il mondo. È stato fondato nel 1993.

Associate's Articles
‘The end of the big lie’
Internazionale Storia 5 (2023)
Stalin through the journalism of his time: H.R. Knickerbocker’s interview with Ekaterina Geladze; Gareth Jones’s exposé of the Holodomor; W.E.B. Du Bois’s homage to a freedom fighter; and Raymond Aron’s optimism in 1956.
L’Ucraina ha fermato l’invasione russa, ma ora dovrà resistere a un inverno di freddo e di privazioni. Per liberare i territori occupati servirà un sostegno molto più convinto dall’Europa.
In due anni si è passati dall’entusiasmo del primo governo Conte per gli investimenti cinesi al cambio di rotta voluto da Mario Draghi e condiviso dall’Unione europea.
Italy’s communist arc
Internazionale special issue 2021
‘Internazionale’ reviews the Italian Communist Party’s influences, despite a chequered existence, from post-war reconstruction to feminist gains.
150 years of Italian emigration
Internazionale special issue 2020
A special issue of ‘Internazionale’ focuses on Italian emigration since the Risorgimento: including articles on how the Belgian, German and Brazilian press saw the new arrivals, their problems and achievements.
La transizione delle economie dell’est verso il mercato è stata più brutale del previsto e ha innescato meccanismi pericolosi. Che sono stati amplificati dalla crisi del 2008 e gestiti male dall’Unione europea
In Romania ci sono proteste contro la corruzione dal 2017. Una mobilitazione nata dalla rabbia e dalla frustrazione. E non ancora finita
After getting into a fight, a homeless man collapsed on a pavement in Rome; a few days later he died in hospital. Neither the police, the judiciary nor the media seemed interested in the case. In a country where five million people live in absolute poverty and fifty thousand are homeless, it was symptomatic of how Italy treats its needy, writes Giuseppe Rizzo.
Senza un programma coerente e una voce comune, i gilet gialli non rappresentano una vera alternativa politica. Ma alcuni
dei problemi che pongono meritano risposte.