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Green European Journal
The Green European Journal is an online and print political ecology magazine dedicated to analysis, debate and new ideas. Since its foundation in 2012, its transnational approach has gone beyond daily news to read politics and society in Europe with a fresh lens. In times of social and ecological crisis, attacks on democracy, and rapid technological change, the Green European Journal helps ideas travel across cultural and political borders, building solidarity and understanding.
Published twice a year, print editions explore topics ranging from the current state of democracy to geopolitics in a warming world. The online journal publishes weekly in English, with selected translations offered in 28 languages and counting. The magazine collaborates with partners across Europe to connect new audiences and open up spaces for transnational debate. Audio versions of selected articles on the Green European Journal podcast: Green Wave.
Subscriptions: https://www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu/subscribe-order/
Monthly newsletter: greeneuropeanjournal.eu/newsletter
Twitter & Instagram: @GreenEUJournal
Facebook & LinkedIn: Green European Journal


A four-day-working-week trial is underway in the UK. The long-awaited attempt to improve the nation’s poor work-life balance and reduce related environmental impacts coincides with the conservative government’s ‘zombie’ prime ministerial handover period – one much more seriously anticipated than the other.

An effervescent wave
Romanian protests and political change
Standing up for your country’s social and ecological wellbeing can be a desperately meaningful undertaking when deep-seated corruption lies behind the struggle: the exodus of many Romanian protesters attests to the high personal risks that have compounded solidarity both at home and abroad over decades of action.

Borders, bodies and see-all technologies
Pushing the limits of bio-surveillance
Use of high-tech surveillance is on the rise: in a moment when controlling the spread of COVID-19 is paramount, a global regime of technologically enabled exclusion has been bolstered. But what might be the long-term implications of accepting being tracked before we even move?

Diversity is held at the pinnacle of much progressive thought. And yet full inclusion is far from becoming a reality. Could the normative thinking that assumes people with a migration background are different and disadvantaged be at fault?