In collaboration with
ELTE Média
Hungary’s leading institution in the field of Media Studies, the Department has been consistently ranked as first in national academic rankings based on research, teaching quality and career opportunities.
Founded in the early 1990s, the Department of Media and Communication at ELTE University in Budapest initially focused on training a new generation of journalists in the young democracy. Later, the curriculum gradually shifted its emphasis to the interdisciplinary study of contemporary culture and media phenomena.


To each their own censorship
When does political pressure reach its breaking point? As censorship methods get subtler, eastern European journalists rely on the popular support for independent journalism to stand their ground against rampant Orbánization.

This year’s Eurozine conference is taking place online. Those suffering from Zoom fatigue need not worry: we will be providing our followers with a combination of condensed conversation, exciting speakers and open debate. Because now, more than ever, we need to cut through the noise.

Watch your mouth! Journalism now and tomorrow
31st European Meeting of Cultural Journals: first iteration
Are you concerned about press freedom and integrity in central eastern Europe? The first part of the 31st European Meeting of Cultural Journals, livestreamed from Budapest on Saturday 14 November, gives you the chance to hear journalists from the region speak about their current predicament and responses.