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World on borrowed time
Esprit 2021/12
Climate change, COVID-19, social injustice: ‘Esprit’ explores how current notions of crisis affect our relationship with time and our (in)ability to change our circumstances. Also: the revolutionary origins of ‘la question Woke’.

An epidemic of fatigue
COVID-19 and mental health
With infection rates on the rise, restrictions are newly coming into force. Experience suggests that lockdowns have a harsher impact on certain sectors of society: young adults, especially those who are already vulnerable, face some of the pandemic’s worst consequences. Yet their needs often go unmet. A Franco-Canadian study suggests a revised approach.

From one gap to another
Tailoring education to labour market needs
Strategies for addressing unemployment rates often involve reforms in higher education. Yet bridging the perceived gap creates its own deprivations. Analysing discourse and policy in the European context points to a strong neoliberal agenda behind labour market-oriented changes at universities.

Disengagement from learning, social injustice, mental health issues, identity tensions – the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many problems in schools. How can the education system now kick-start recovery instead of acting as a millstone?