Prosthetic library: the Active Amputee

The Active Amputee blog’s Björn Eser believes that the way we go about prosthetics should change. He’s a lover of the outdoors, even more so since his amputation, but he takes issue with the limits of social and medical support for disabled people.

With a tireless drive to improve conditions for amputees, Björn Eser or the Active Amputee, has become a prominent figure in the fight for mobility. In this episode of Gagarin, Eser talks prosthetics, outdoor sports and why mobility shouldn’t be a luxury together with Eurozine’s editor-in-chief Réka Kinga Papp.

Read more about Björn Eser and his adventures on his Active Amputee blog.

The topic of mobility and disability, is also discussed in the Standard Time episode ‘The limits of normality’ that premiered in February this year:

Disability has always been part of the human condition; inclusion and accessibility are not favours to extend, but measures that would benefit everybody. Europe’s regulations are quite good, but practice often lags behind. On this episode of Standard Time, we discuss access, accommodation and attitudes.

Published 4 September 2024
Original in English


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