Spilne (Commons – Journal for social critique) is a collective non-commercial project. Our task is to analyse social reality in Ukraine and in the world. Our position is not “neutral” because we think that society needs not only to study, but also change. We are aware that theory and practice can be divided by a great chasm and we therefore try not to lose touch with everyday life and to be understandable.
Our collective consists of social scientists, social activists, journalists, and artists. Each year we publish two thematic issues that include exclusive research and analysis from Ukraine, interviews with scholars and activists, translations of classical studies from abroad, and book reviews. The project also includes an Internet journal where we publish analyses of important social and political trends, translations, and blog columns.
We see our theoretical work as constituent of broader practices that strive to change society. Our standpoint is left and anti-capitalist. Though we may have political motives, our journal is first of all analytical. In analysing social problems, we often have no recipes for their resolution and we do not camouflage the need for producing new knowledge with clichés and empty slogans. Our tasks are analysis and criticism: articulating social problems, definition of their causes and search for the means to resolve them; problematization of dominant social relations and shifting the status quo.
Website: www.commons.com.ua/en/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/commons.com.ua
Instagram: www.instagram.com/commonsjournal