Focal Points

Read dossiers on key topics compiled and edited in collaboration with Eurozine partners.

All Focal Points

Cover for: Room temperature: Housing in crisis

Like sustenance and sex, society can’t be reproduced without shelter. That is why today’s housing crisis is so central. Contributions to this focal point look at both the winners and the losers of the crisis: the people profiting from the financialization of housing and those reimagining the right to the city.

Cover for: Big Tech: The law of power

The technoliberationism that accompanied the early days of the web now belongs to myth. Deleting Facebook is the new rebellion. Surveillance capitalism is the buzzword. Regulating is radical. Technology critique today starts with Big Tech’s power.

Cover for: Information: A public good

Disinformation is not the cause of illiberalism but its medium. The great majority of it is home grown. Thinking about ‘what to do’ about disinformation means understanding information as a public good. Abandoning a purely reactive strategy will stand democracies in better stead.

Cover for: Consensus and controversy

In a politicized age, literary debate seems to be seeking consensus. But many still argue that the task of writers is to voice what would otherwise be seen as unacceptable. Today, the question is as much about how literature is talked about as what it talks about.

Cover for: Knowledgeable youth

"Vom Wissen der Jungen" / "Knowledgeable youth" is a collaboration between Eurozine, RECET and Viennese community radio Radio ORANGE 94.0, funded by the City of Vienna (Stadt Wien Kultur).

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