Focal Points

Read dossiers on key topics compiled and edited in collaboration with Eurozine partners.

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Cover for: Culture and the commons

Drawing on affinities between Eurozine's publishing activities and the European Cultural Foundation's Connected Action for the Commons programme, we launch a new focal point exploring the prospects for a commons where cultural and social activists meet with a broader public to create new ways of living together.

public sphere in the making

Accompanying the Eurozine conference 2013 in Oslo, entitled "Making a difference: Opinion, debate and activism in the public sphere", this focal point explores some of the aspects of building -- making -- a space for public exchange of opinions and worldviews. A place where anyone can make a difference.

Ship in a storm

Harbour cities as places of movement, immigration and emigration, as places of inclusion and exclusion, develop distinct modes of being that not only reflect different cultural traditions and political and social self-conceptions, but also contain economic potential and communicate how they see themselves as part of the larger structure that is "Europe".

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